Biography, Music News

From the Streets to the Studio: The Evolution of Ibro Deli’s Music Career

The vibrant music scene of Prishtina, Kosovo is home to many talented musicians who are gaining recognition not just within the country but also internationally. One such artist is singer-songwriter Ibro Deli, who has made waves in the music industry with his unique blend of hiphop, tech-house, and Balkan influences.
Ibro first gained widespread attention with his hit single “Toxic,” which became a viral sensation and racked up millions of views on Tiktok. Since then, he has released another successful single “Mu Ka Tek” and collaborated with producers such as Bled Beats. I had the opportunity to interview Ibro Deli and learn more about his musical journey and creative process.

Q: How did you first get into music, and what inspired you to pursue a career as a rapper?

Ibro Deli: Music has always been a big part of my life. I grew up listening to hip-hop and electronic, and I was really inspired by the way that these artists were able to use their music to express themselves and connect with their audiences. As I got older, I started writing my own lyrics and recording my own music, and things just kind of took off from there.

Q: What do you think sets your music apart from other hip-hop artists, and how would you describe your sound to someone who hasn’t heard it before?

Ibro Deli: I think my music is really authentic and true to who I am as a person. I try to be honest and vulnerable in my lyrics, and I think that really comes through in my music. As for my sound, I would describe it as a mix of sub genres ; tech-house and modern hip-hop. I like to incorporate elements of my cultural heritage into my music, while also staying true to the genre of hip-hop that I love.

Q: Your lyrics often touch on personal struggles and challenges. How do you approach writing about these topics, and what do you hope to achieve with your music?

Ibro Deli: When I’m writing about personal struggles and challenges, I try to approach it from a place of honesty and vulnerability. I think it’s important to be real with your audience and not shy away from difficult topics. My hope is that my music can help other people who are going through similar struggles to feel less alone, and to know that there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel. I also hope to raise awareness about issues that are important to me, like mental health and social justice.

As DELI continues to push the boundaries of hiphop/tech-house and showcase the unique blend of Eastern and Western influences in his music, it’s clear that he is a rising star in the music scene. We can’t wait to see what he has in store for the future.

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