Music News

John Legend on How Chrissy Teigen’s Miscarriage in 2020 Made the Couple ‘Stronger,’ His Fallout With Kanye West

The musician got candid about how he and his wife may never truly fill the hole left behind by the loss of their son, Jack, and what actually happened between him and Ye.

John Legend is opening up about how Chrissy Teigen’s tragic miscarriage brought the couple closer and made them “stronger.”

In September 2020, Teigen revealed she had suffered a miscarriage after a hospitalization in which she was diagnosed with a partial placenta abruption and had to deliver their son, Jack, at 20 weeks.

“We are shocked and in the kind of deep pain you only hear about, the kind of pain we’ve never felt before,” Teigen wrote at the time. “We were never able to stop the bleeding and give our baby the fluids he needed, despite bags and bags of blood transfusions. It just wasn’t enough.

In a recent New Yorker profile, Legend got candid about that time in their lives and how he and his wife may never truly fill the hole left behind by the loss of Jack, but that they’re working on moving forward and being happy.

“It made us stronger, going through this together, even though we were broken in some way by it because we had to hold each other together and support each other through it,” Legend told the publication. “It’s a way of forging you.”

The musician acknowledged he was hesitant, at first, about sharing something so personal with the world the way they chose to, but he quickly realized how important it was for Teigen to do so, to break the taboo surrounding the discussion of miscarriages.

“Not only was it the honest thing to do,” Legend said, “what it did was open up more of a conversation among people who were afraid to share that kind of detail, who felt ashamed if they lost a pregnancy.”

Now that Teigen is pregnant again, the EGOT winner shared that they’re “guardedly optimistic” because of the fear that tragedy could strike again, but they’re looking forward to welcoming their new baby.

“I’m not anticipating filling the hole that we felt when we lost Jack,” he added. “I just feel it’ll be a new person in our lives to love and to make our lives more joyful. We’ll still always carry some of that grief from Jack, but we’ll just keep living and loving and finding joy in life.”

In the same interview, Legend also touched on his fallout with his longtime friend and collaborator, Kanye “Ye” West, and explained what actually happened between them.

“What it got described as was, we stopped being friends because he supported [Donald] Trump, which was a mischaracterization,” he said. “What I was saying was that he was very upset with me that I didn’t support him running for President, and that was the real impetus for us having a strain in our friendship.”

Legend went on to say the two haven’t really been friends since he supported Joe Biden’s presidency, but he doesn’t know what lies ahead for them, explaining that it’s up to Ye if he can get past it and rekindle their friendship.

“I don’t want to live a life that’s so consumed by politics that it’s the sole determinant of who can be my friend and who can’t,” the musician continued. “But values matter and character matters and moral compass matters.”

When Legend tried to talk to Ye about how he was vocalizing his support for Trump across his platforms and influencing his followers, Ye posted screenshots of their conversation on Twitter, which Legend also addressed in the profile.

He explained that he was trying to get Ye to see things differently, to use the influence he had on his fans in a different way.

“I talked to him with love and with empathy and tried to help him see another way of looking at things,” Legend said. “And, obviously, he went the way he went with it.”

When Ye decided to run for president, Legend said he found it frustrating that his campaign was being pushed along by Trump’s personnel, which raised money for Ye, got petitions signed for him and got him on the ballot.

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